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Embrace the Journey 

The Runner Who Never Ran
"A Game Wardens Daughter"
and introducing..

A Walk in Rose's Garden
"Our Stepping Stones in Life



Both Books

 #1 as a New Release!!


Through these pages you will read stories of perseverance and ingenuity that is rooted within the fabric of her life story. Growing up in a small town as a Game Warden's daughter, she learns of all the gifts that nature can give and applies it throughout her life. In her new book, you will walk through pages of reflection and a journey of valuing your "Life Story". Never underestimate the gift that your life story will bring, It's the gateway to a peaceful journey. 

Stories of angels whispering in her ears as her guiding light through the pathways of life and unknown journeys to take. 

"Embrace the Journey, Life is a Gift"


Released Nov 1st

"Holding as Best Sellers top 100"

Her stories are heartwarming but each carries a lesson that will lead you to explore ways to improve your life and interaction with your family, and improve the life of those you work with or for. With a background of more than 30 years in the field of Assisted Living, Karen has learned the importance of the gift of renewal when actively being involved in your community or program to help others achieve joy. While this workbook will be extremely helpful to anyone in the field of Assisted Living or considering a position in the field, it is simply a warm and wonderful book filled with great stories, wit, and wisdom for any reader.

As you journey through the Reflections workbook, one  may find themselves reflecting upon your own trails in life. There are questions throughout the book to help one to navigate this journey called "life". This book will help you learn to take risks, to be first in reaching out of the box, and to explore

possibilities even if they fail. 

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